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Ashtabula County OHGenWeb » Ashtabula County Census » 1820 Ashtabula County Census

1820 Ashtabula Federal Census

Ashtabula County, Ohio

Extracted and Transcribed by Carol Page Tilson

Enumerators of the 1820 census were asked to include the following categories in the census: The name of head of household, The number of free white males and females in age categories: 0 to 10, 10 to 16, 16 to 26, 26 to 45, 45 and older; The number of other free persons except Indians not taxed; number of slaves; and The town or district and county of residence.

Additionally, the 1820 census for the first time asked the number of free white males 16 to 18; number of persons to be naturalized; number engaged in agriculture, commercial, or manufacture; number of “colored” persons (sometimes in age categories); and number of other persons except Indians.

Most entries are arranged in the order of visitation, but some have been rearranged to appear in alphabetical order by initial letter of the surname.

The enumeration began on the first Monday of August. Its scheduled six-month completion time frame was extended by about seven months to September 1, 1821. As in previous decades, the 1820 census act again required assistant marshals to visit every dwelling house, or head of every family within their designated districts.

Data relating to manufacturing were collected by assistants in each district, sent to the marshals, and then transmitted to the secretary of state along with the population returns. The report on manufacturing presented the data for these establishments by counties, but the results were not summarized for each district and the aggregate statement that was released was based on incomplete returns. The 1820 manufacturing census suffers the same criticism as that in 1810: Poor enumerator training resulted in dramatic variations in data quality and accuracy.


Name Page # Name Page # Name Page #
Allen, Josiah 9/7 Hall, Moses 8/6 Smith, Russell A. 9/7
Amsden, Asa 10/7 Hall, Valerius 11/8 Smith, Thos. 11/8
Amsden, Levi 9/7 Harman, Aaron 11/8 Smith, Truman 10/7
Armstrong, Edward 11/8 Harman, Anan 11/8 Snow, Betsey 10/7
Badger, Joseph 12/8 Hoadly, Dennis 8/6 Spencer, Daniel M. 10/7
Batchelor, Bazil 9/7 Holcomb, Eli 11/8 Stanford, George 11/8
Beckwith, Gurdon 11/8 Hubbard, Buckley 11/8 Stevens, Enoch 10/7
Beckwith, Reynolds 9/7 Hubbard, Chloe 8/6 Stevens, Wm. 10/7
Benham, Adna 9/7 Hubbard, Matthew 12/8 Strong, Jabez 12/8
Benham, Thos. 9/7 Hubbard, Oliver 8/6 Strong, Nathan 12/8
Bennet, Joseph 9/7 Jennings, Wm. 9/7 Strong, Nathan, Jr. 12/8
Benton, Ezekiel 10/7 Jones, Wm. 12/8 Strong, Saml. 12/8
Bigelow, Elijah 9/7 Kenedy, Stephen 11/8 Sweet, Isaac 11/8
Bishop, John 11/8 Klice, David 11/8 Sweet, Lewis 11/8
Blackmore, Elijah 8/6 Labounty, Francis 12/8 Sweet, Peleg, Jr. 11/8
Blakeslie, Asher 9/7 Lockwood, James 11/8 Sweet, Peleg 10/7
Blakeslie, John G. 8/6 Loveland, Gad 10/7 Taggart, James 9/7
Blakeslie, Lala? 12/8 Malsbury, Nathan 8/6 Taggart, John 9/7
Blood, Edmond 10/7 Manley, Jabez 11/8 Terrel, Lawson 12/8
Blood, Nathan 12/8 Mann, Joseph 9/7 Thompson, Jona. 12/8
Booth, Philo 12/8 Mann, Warner 8/6 Titus, James, Jr. 10/7
Brown, Derick 9/7 Mann, Zadock 8/6 Tower, Dewey 12/8
Brown, Ebenezer 11/8 Martin, Robert 11/8 Tower, Henry 11/8
Brown, Ephm. 12/8 Mathews, John 8/6 Turner, Stephen 12/8
Brown, John F. 11/8 McAdams, Andrew 10/7 Warner, David 8/6
Buffum, Jonathan 8/6 McKelvey, James G. 11/8 Warner, Noah 10/7
Buffum, Stephen 8/6 McDaniel, James 12/8 Warner, Norman 11/8
Burnet, David 9/7 McFarland, George F. 10/7 Watrous, Rossanna 9/7
Burrill, Aaron 12/8 McSwain, Moses 12/8 Watrous, Winthrop 11/8
Burrill, John 11/8 Meachum, David 11/8 Watrous, Wm. 11/8
Burrill, Zachariah 11/8 Metcalf, John 10/7 Weaver, Christopher 9/7
Burrows, David 10/7 Miller, Benjm. 11/8 Welton, Allen 10/7
Butterfield, Wm. 9/7 Miller, Wm. 9/7 Welton, Chandler 10/7
Castle, Amasa 8/6 Murry, John 9/7 Welton, Jason 10/7
Castle, Amasa, Jr. 8/6 Nettleton, Joshua 10/7 Welton, Mark 8/6
Castle, Daniel 9/7 Newell, Lot 10/7 West, Ebenezer 8/6
Cheney, Henry 10/7 Packer, Calvin S. 12/8 Wetmore, Collins 8/6
Cheney, Thos. 10/7 Patterson, Lewis 10/7 Wetmore, Jesse 12/8
Coleman, Elijah 10/7 Pickett, Joseph 11/8 Wetmore, Wm. 9/7
Cone, Joshua 11/8 Potter, Chester 8/6 Whelpley, Samuel 8/6
Cook, Erastus 10/7 Reed, John R. 10/7 Whelply, Elam 8/6
Curtis, David W. 10/7 Rich, Rufus 11/8 Whelply, Henry 8/6
Dodge, Samuel S. 12/8 Richmond, Walker 8/6 Whelply, Henry, Jr. 8/6
Fargo, Jason 11/8 Riley, Thomas 11/8 Whelply, Philo 8/6
Fenning, James 11/8 Ringland, Wm. 11/8 White, David 9/7
Fisk, Amos 12/8 Roberts, Chauncy 9/7 White, Josiah 8/6
Foster, Wm. 9/7 Rockwell, Caleb 9/7 Whitman, William 11/8
Fox, Sally 12/8 Rockwell, Joshua 8/6 Willey, Andrew 9/7
Fuller, Enoch 12/8 Rogers, George 10/7 Williams, Benj. 11/8
Gage, Joshua L. 10/7 Rogers, James W. 10/7 Wood, Chester 10/7
Gates, Seth 9/7 Sawins, Purchase 10/7 Wood, Martin 10/7
Giddings, Calvin 9/7 Scovil, Adna 12/8 Woodbury, Andrew 10/7
Gilbert, Jona 9/7 Seymour, Liber 9/7 Woodbury, Hiram 10/7
Gillet, David 8/6 Seymour, Robert 9/7 Woodbury, Nehemiah 10/7
Gilpen, Jabez 12/8 Seymour, Titus 9/7 Woodbury, Wm. 10/7
Gordon, James 9/7 Shaw, John 9/7 Woodbury, Zachariah 10/7
Gordon, Thos. 9/7 Shepherd, Peletiah 11/8 Wright, Jonathan 8/6
Graham, Henry 9/7 Smith, Ezra 8/6 Wright, Rachel 11/8
Graham, John 12/8 Smith, Hall 11/8
Hall, Charles 8/6 Smith, Hazadiah 10/7
Hall, John 12/8 Smith, Isaac 9/7
Hall, Linus 9/7 Smith, James 11/8

Page updated July 2022

Ashtabula County OHGenWeb » Ashtabula County Census » 1820 Ashtabula County Census

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