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Jail Register of Ashtabula County Ohio

Commencing November 1, 1853 and ending Nov. 1, 1854
Name of Committed Committed Offense Discharged Age Manner of Discharge
E.C. Colman 11/24/1853 Petit Larceny 11/29/1853 26 Recognizance for his appearance before Probate Court
Wm. Seelly 11/24/1853 Petit Larceny 12/5/1853 38 Recognizance for his appearance before Probate Court
Charles A. Knowles 1/3/1854 Petit Larceny 1/13/1854 23 Expiration of sentence of 10 days on bread and water
William Cartner 2/15/1854 Petit Larceny 3/15/1854 15 Expiration of sentence of 10 days on bread and water
John V. Leffingwell 3/1/1854 Breach of the peace 3/8/1854 40 On habeas corpus
Abner Stilson 3/15/1854 Burglary and petit larceny 4/22/1854 16 Expiration of sentence of 20 days on bread and water
Oliver H. Perry 3/15/1854 Burglary and petit larceny 4/22/1854 15 Expiration of sentence of 20 days on bread and water
John V. Leffingwell 3/18/1854 Lunatic 3/22/1854 40 An order to remand to Lunatic Asylum
Hiram Rhodes 3/31/1854 Broke jail 1853, retaken 1854 7/11/54 29 To penitentiary for 3 years from 6/20/1854
John Vosler 4/3/1854 Assault and battery 4/8/1854 17 Expiration of sentence of 5 days on bread and water
Signer Ferris 5/29/1854 Lunatic 6/6/1854 22 On order to remand to Lunatic Asylum
Horace Haines 6/6/1854 Murder Now in jail 28
Abram Noxon 7/7/1854 Assault with intent to kill Now in jail 36
Marvin Stone 7/12/1854 Stealing bank notes Now in jail 35
Abiram Loomis 7/21/1854 Being intoxicated 7/22/1854 50 On own recognizance
Griswold Kellogg 7/25/1854 Being intoxicated 7/27/1854 39 On bail
William St. John 7/27/1854 Passing counterfeit bank bills 8/1/1854 22 By order of Probate Judge
Ira Stiles 8/5/1854 Fine and costs under liquor law 8/7/1854 40 By paying fines
Horatio Wolcott 8/7/1854 Assault and attempt to rape 8/18/1854 35 Examining court
Sylvester Markham 8/9/1854 Riot 8/18/1854 55 Expiration of sentence of 10 days on bread and water
Samuel Ackley 8/9/1854 Riot 8/11/1854 16 Expiration of sentence of 10 days on bread and water
John S. Scott 8/9/1854 Selling intoxicating liqours 8/12/1854 45 Prosecuting Attorney
Griswold Kellog 8/12/54 Being intoxicated 8/18/54 39 On own recognizance
Thomas Preston 8/12/54 Being intoxicated 8/18/54 38 On own recognizance
William Hinckley 8/19/1854 Being intoxicated 8/21/1854 15 Expiration of sentence of 3 days in jail
William Cook 8/19/1854 Being intoxicated 8/21/1854 33 Expiration of sentence of 3 days in jail
B.M. Holden 8/19/1854 Being intoxicated 8/21/1854 34 Expiration of sentence of 3 days in jail
Samuel Phillips 8/22/1854 Being intoxicated 8/23/1854 60 Expiration of sentence of 3 days in jail
John Fox 8/22/1854 Arson 8/30/1854 48 On bail for appearance at Common Pleas
Linus Loomis 8/28/1854 Assault and battery 8/28/1854 60 On bail
Linus Loomis 8/28/1854 Resisting officer 8/28/1854 60 On bail
Edwin Loomis 8/28/1854 Assault and battery 8/28/1854 25 On bail
Edwin Loomis 8/28/1854 Resisting officer 8/28/1854 25 On bail
Henry Allen 9/28/1854 Burglary 10/10/1854 22 Expiration of sentence of 15 days on bread and water
The foregoing is a correct report of persons committed from the jail of said
county of Ashtabula during the current year.
Sheriff’s Office, Jefferson, Nov. 1, 1854 M.W. Wright Sheriff of said county

Annual report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Ohio

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