Where to Find It
All records pertinent to your family should be considered and searched.*
Age | Census, Vital Records, Cemeteries. | Military Records, Taxation. |
Birth date | Vital, Church, or Bible Records. | Cemeteries, Obituaries, Census, Military. |
Birthplace | Vital, Church, or Census Records. | Newspapers, Obituaries |
City\parish foreign birth | Church Records, Genealogy, Naturalization and Citizenship. | Vital Records, Obituaries, History, Emigration and Immigration. |
Country of foreign birth | Emigration and Immigration, Census, Naturalization, Citizenship, Church. | Military Records, Vital Records, Newspapers, Obituaries. |
County origins and bounds | History, Maps. | Gazetteers. |
Death | Vital, Church, or Probate Records, Cemeteries, Obituaries. | Newspapers, Bibles, Military Records. |
Divorce | Court Records, Vital Records. | Newspapers. |
Ethnicity | Minorities, Native Races, Societies. | Church Records, Emigration and Immig., Naturalization and Citizenship. |
Historical background | History, Periodicals. | Minorities. |
Immigration date | Emigration & Immigration, Naturalization and Citizenship, Genealogy. | Census, Newspapers, Biography. |
Living relatives (and adoptions) | Genealogy, Directories, Court Rec., Obituaries. | Census, Biography, Societies, Church or Probate Records. |
Maiden name | Vital or Church Records, Newspapers, Bible Records. | Cemeteries, Military Records, Probate Records, Obituaries. |
Marriage | Vital, Church or Bible Records, Census, Newspapers | Cemeteries, Military Records, Probate Records, Naturalization and Citizenship, Land and Property. |
Occupation | Census, Directories, Emig. Immig | Newspapers, Court Records. |
Parents, Children, and other family members | Vital or Church Records, Census, Probate Records, Obituaries. | Bible Records, Newspapers, Emigration and Immigration. |
Physical description | Military Records, Biography. | Natural\Citizenship, Vital Records, Emigration\Immigration, Genealogy. |
Place-finding aids | Gazetteers, Maps. | History, Periodicals. |
Place (town) of residence if you know only State | Census (indexed), Geneal., Military, Vital Records, records with State index. | Biography, Probate Records, History. |
Places family has lived | Census, Land and Property, History | Military Records, Taxation, Obituary. |
Previous research (compiled genealogy) | Genealogy, Periodicals, Societies. | History, Biography. |
Record-finding aids | Archives and Libraries, Societies. | Periodicals. |
Religion | Church Records, History, Biography | Bible Records, Cemeteries, Genealogy. |
Social Activities | History, Biography, Newspaper, Soc. | Town Records, Court Records. |
*For free help, visit the nearest Family History Center – Click here to find local FHC – LINK
Page Created 2001
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